Saturday, May 23, 2009

Annual Meeting: Saturday, June 6th, 2-3 pm

This year's annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 6th. Topics to be discussed include:
  • Nominating new officers for 2009-2010 (Cathy G is NOT nominatible)
  • Confirming dates for the following neighborhood events:
    • Block Party (2nd Saturday in August)
    • Clean-up Day (1st Saturday in May)
    • Neighborhood Sale (usually the 1st or 2nd Saturday in June)
    • Fall Festival (Saturday before Halloween)
    • Christmas Party (2nd Saturday in December)
    • Annual Meeting (late April/early May, 2010)
Our White's Place Calendar has been updated with tentative dates for all of these events except the Neighborhood Sale.


Dave said...

Mark your calendars for the following dates:

* July 4th, 10 am - Independence Day Party
* August 15th, 5 pm - Block Party (North ender's are hosting this year)
* October 24th, 4 pm - Fall Festival (Gronemeier's)
* December 12th, 6 pm - Christmas Party (Gronemeier's)
* March 28th, 3 pm - Annual Meeting (location TBD)

Chris De Santis said...

Hi Everyone,

My wife, Christy, and I just moved to White Place a couple weeks ago. We love our new home and neighborhood, and we look forward to meeting our neighbors.

Is there a newsletter that we can sign up to receive, or are all announcements made on this blog? We would have liked to attend the annual meeting, but only heard of it a day later when I happened onto this web site.

Dave said...

Hey Chris, welcome to the neighborhood! Unfortunately, there isn't a newsletter.

Announcements are usually hand-delivered by some of the neighborhood kids or the Gronemeier's (#22). That's been proving to be a difficult process, and so we created this blog to help.

You can sign up to receive an email message every time someone posts to the blog. This ends up being about once a month or so.

Sign up by entering your email address on the right side of the page at

Also, I can add you as a blog author so you can post your own messages. It comes in handy from time to time. Just send a note to (at) gmail (dot) com.

