Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Seasons Greetings!

A quick reminder of our annual Holiday celebration at David & Cathy Gronemeier's house #22. This is an excellent way to meet neighbors and share some holiday spirits. Those that are musically versed are encouraged to bring an instrument to play for caroling. Friends and family members are also invited.

Sunday, December 13th @ 6:00 pm

Monday, November 9, 2009

White's Place in History . . .

From the, "How Time Flies" which ran on 11/02/09:

100 years ago

Nov. 2, 1909: White's Place property owners ran an open letter to the city complaining about the delay in paving certain streets: Clinton, Graham and University. They say curbs are toppling, lawns sliding into streets, and mud is ankle deep several months out of the year.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Estate Sale this coming Friday and Saturday

Stop by #20 Whites Place this coming Friday or Saturday.

Here you'll have the opportunity to browse and buy from a huge 40 year collection of vintage linens, quilts, pottery, including Roseville, Uhl and Hull, primitives and some antique furniture. Also for sale is a large collection of jewelry.

Friday, November 6th: 8am to 5pm
Saturday, November 7th: 8am to 2pm

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Found Girls Bike

Hi All,
We found a girls bike in between our garages. It is a White Schwinn. Is anyone missing one on the street?

Kate Mueninghoff #7

Friday, September 11, 2009

Heya Everyone!
We've pretty much wrapped up the work on the outside of our house for this year and I thought i'd share a photo show that I've made of the process. I still have some new storm doors to put up on the side and back of the house and then there's those gutters in October, but I think it's close enough for photo show time! Thanks

PS - Feel free to skip over the interior shots, those are a couple years old.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Brick Street Strategic Plan

As many of you already know, the Bloomington Historic Preservation Committee will hold a public hearing on the City of Bloomington Brick Street Strategic Plan. This plan seems to honor the beauty and durability of our beloved brick streets, but this session will also address specific policies and procedures that will affect those residents directly. The meeting may be just informative and harmless, but it would be in our best interest to have as many residents of White Place at this meeting as we can.

In the past, our presence at these types of meetings has had considerable impact on the hearings. It sends a strong message when our residents fill City Hall Chambers to address issues of our neighborhood. So please try to set aside about an hour or so on Thursday.

Information about the hearing can be found on the city of bloomington website.

City Council Chambers, City Hall
109 E Olive Street
Thursday August 20 @ 5:00 pm

If anyone needs a ride to the hearing please let me know.

Dave Hogenson

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

White Place Annual Block Party

The White Place Block Party will be held this Saturday, August, 15, starting at 5:00 pm.

This year it will be held in the north end of the street. Bring your lawn chairs, meat to grill for your family, and a dish to share with everyone.

Please feel free to invite your family and friends!

See you there!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Open House for Shirley Koos

Shirley Koos (#20) is moving to Texas! Help send her off with warm hearts as she drives her little Prius into the heart of BIG Texas. After two decades of living on White's Place, she's moving herself and Tolstoy (her big white fluffy Samoyed) down to San Antonio.

The Gronemeier's (#22) are hosting an open house for Shirley on Wednesday, August 12th starting at 6:30 pm. Feel free to BYO, or beverages and light snacks will be provided.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Extra sod

There are 35 extra rolls of sod on my driveway. Help yourself, but leave the pallet.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

White's Place Plat

I came across this PDF the other day and thought the neighborhood might be interested in seeing it. It appears to be the original Plat drawing for the "White Place Addition."

Check it out . . .complete with signatures of then-current city officials:
  • J.S. Neville, Mayor
  • A.H. Bell, Civil Engineer & Surveyor
  • H.L. Denison, Clerk
Very cool!

If you're interested, here's some more info on who these people were:

A quick search on James S. Neville shows that he lived from 1856 to August of 1906. The White Place Addition was approved in March, 1906. There's also a photo and short biography of him on page 283 of the book titled Republicans of Illinois; A Portrait and Chronological Record of Members of the Republican Party (1905) (beware, this book is a 16 MB download!). The biography reads as follows:

Born Mackinaw, Tazewell Co., Illinois., March 11, 1856. Adm'td to Illinois Bar, 1880 and since been in active practice. Politically active since 1878; postmaster Bloomington. 1889-93; member Bloomington City Council, 1893-99; appointed Railroad and Warehouse commissioner by Gov. Yates, 1901; Chairman McLean County Delegation to State Convention 1900 and 1904; member State Central Committee 4 years; elected mayor of Bloomington.

Arthur H. Bell shows up online as well, this time on page 52 in the book titled Transactions of the McLean County Historical Society (1899) (4.5 MB). The book only mentions that he served as the surveyor beginning in 1892. Another book mentions that he worked for the Illinois State Geological Survey Division specializing oil and gas.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Dues are DUE!

Just an FYI that it's that time of year and neighborhood association dues are due. [edit] They can be paid to White's Place Association at 28 Whites Place (the Hogensen's).

Dues are $20 per year and are supposed to cover the following:
  • June Neighborhood Sale classified ad
  • August Block Party (food/refreshments)
  • October Fall Festival (food/refreshments)
  • Boulevard maintenance
We haven't seen enough participation in recent years and some expenses have quietly started falling on the shoulders of a few people. Let's show our thanks by promptly paying this year!

If you missed previous years, it's OK to pay more than $20. Your friends on Clinton and Fell Avenue will thank you next time they have a beer and brat on the neighborhood!

Mark your calendar for April 1st for 2010 dues and beyond. (Dues are due in April.)

Thank You!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

2009 White's Place Neighborhood Sale: June 6th

Here are the results from our quick survey:

The 6th received 7 first place votes and the 13th received 3 first place votes.

There were quite a few second place votes for the 13th, but it looks like the 6th won out!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

40 foot boom available if needed

Hi All,

Bob and I are renting a 40 foot boom to clean our gutters and finish painting the front of our house. We will be using it on Saturday, May 30, and maybe Sunday morning. We do not have to return until Monday at 8 am.

If anyone needs to use it for anything on Sunday afternoon let us know. You can donate a few bucks towards the rental or Bob said a case of beer would be great! We are paying $195 plus tax and gas for the rental. You can call us at 287-8779.

Kate and Bob Mueninghoff

Which Saturday in June Works Best? (neighborhood sale dates)

Are you wondering what date the White's Place neighborhood yard sale is going to be? It hasn't been set yet, but is planned for sometime in June.

Do you have something you'd like to sell and want to make sure you're available for the Saturday? Want to be here bright and early so you can be the first buyer?

Which Saturday in June works best for you?

Click here to take a short, two-question survey and I'll post the results this Sunday, May 31st.



Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pre-Neighborhood Sale Offerings

First time ever using a blog, but here goes. We are looking at a most likely return to Cincinnati July 1, unless some miracle happens to keep us here. Job layoff will force us back sooner than planned. We have to unload some items. They are:

1 men's and 1 women's Pugeot bikes with almost new racing tires, in good condition. Best
offer or $50 each takes 'em out the door.

Antique hutch, bottom with six drawers and top with glass doors, glass shelves, and blue
stained glass side panels. Good condition. Possibly 80 or 90 years old.
Looking for a new home for beloved family heirloom. Asking $1000 to start, sale to the
highest bidder. Must move self. See at 27 White Place.

Queen sized jacquard quilt, almost new, hardly used, greens and white brocade. Best offer.

Call for appointment 829-7920 Ask for Kathryne Brockfield

bikes for sale

I have three kids bikes that I will sell at the yard sale, but I want to give you all a heads up. One is a very nice stunt bike that my son had when he was about 10. Please call or email if you would like a pre-yard sale view!
Nancy @ #4

Annual Meeting: Saturday, June 6th, 2-3 pm

This year's annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 6th. Topics to be discussed include:
  • Nominating new officers for 2009-2010 (Cathy G is NOT nominatible)
  • Confirming dates for the following neighborhood events:
    • Block Party (2nd Saturday in August)
    • Clean-up Day (1st Saturday in May)
    • Neighborhood Sale (usually the 1st or 2nd Saturday in June)
    • Fall Festival (Saturday before Halloween)
    • Christmas Party (2nd Saturday in December)
    • Annual Meeting (late April/early May, 2010)
Our White's Place Calendar has been updated with tentative dates for all of these events except the Neighborhood Sale.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dog House

We have a large dog house that we would like to give away to anyone interested in hauling it off. It is very large and sturdy. Will need several people to move. Email/call me if you are interested.
Kate Mueninghoff

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Downtown Bloomington Strategy Meeting

I am passing along a link that was sent to all the neighborhood watch groups, containing information about the upcoming Downtown Strategy meeting to be held on 1/14/2009.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Tutor needed

I am looking for a tutor for my 14 year old freshman son. I need someone 2 or 3 times weekly to help him stay organized and get homework completed. I would love to have someone locally or a college student. You can email me at