Neighboring Alderwoman Karen Schmidt sent an email recently announcing that the Bloomington Police Department is now sharing reports for the following types of crimes on Aggravated Assault, Arson, Burglary, Homicide, Larceny, Motor Vehicle Theft, Robbery, Other.
You can view crimes down to the address level and request to receive alerts for crimes within 1000 feet of your home address. I've requested to do so and will post those alerts to the blog as a test. If it gets to be too much, I'll discontinue . . .
The site does not show sexual assault crimes. However, the Illinois State Police website's sex offender registry shows where offenders live.. As of today, there are:
- 117 offenders within 5 miles of White Place
- 18 within 1 mile of White Place
- 0 within 1000 feet of White Place
Thanks for helping to make our neighborhood a safe place!