Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Brick Street Strategic Plan

As many of you already know, the Bloomington Historic Preservation Committee will hold a public hearing on the City of Bloomington Brick Street Strategic Plan. This plan seems to honor the beauty and durability of our beloved brick streets, but this session will also address specific policies and procedures that will affect those residents directly. The meeting may be just informative and harmless, but it would be in our best interest to have as many residents of White Place at this meeting as we can.

In the past, our presence at these types of meetings has had considerable impact on the hearings. It sends a strong message when our residents fill City Hall Chambers to address issues of our neighborhood. So please try to set aside about an hour or so on Thursday.

Information about the hearing can be found on the city of bloomington website.

City Council Chambers, City Hall
109 E Olive Street
Thursday August 20 @ 5:00 pm

If anyone needs a ride to the hearing please let me know.

Dave Hogenson

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

White Place Annual Block Party

The White Place Block Party will be held this Saturday, August, 15, starting at 5:00 pm.

This year it will be held in the north end of the street. Bring your lawn chairs, meat to grill for your family, and a dish to share with everyone.

Please feel free to invite your family and friends!

See you there!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Open House for Shirley Koos

Shirley Koos (#20) is moving to Texas! Help send her off with warm hearts as she drives her little Prius into the heart of BIG Texas. After two decades of living on White's Place, she's moving herself and Tolstoy (her big white fluffy Samoyed) down to San Antonio.

The Gronemeier's (#22) are hosting an open house for Shirley on Wednesday, August 12th starting at 6:30 pm. Feel free to BYO, or beverages and light snacks will be provided.