Sunday, June 21, 2009

Extra sod

There are 35 extra rolls of sod on my driveway. Help yourself, but leave the pallet.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

White's Place Plat

I came across this PDF the other day and thought the neighborhood might be interested in seeing it. It appears to be the original Plat drawing for the "White Place Addition."

Check it out . . .complete with signatures of then-current city officials:
  • J.S. Neville, Mayor
  • A.H. Bell, Civil Engineer & Surveyor
  • H.L. Denison, Clerk
Very cool!

If you're interested, here's some more info on who these people were:

A quick search on James S. Neville shows that he lived from 1856 to August of 1906. The White Place Addition was approved in March, 1906. There's also a photo and short biography of him on page 283 of the book titled Republicans of Illinois; A Portrait and Chronological Record of Members of the Republican Party (1905) (beware, this book is a 16 MB download!). The biography reads as follows:

Born Mackinaw, Tazewell Co., Illinois., March 11, 1856. Adm'td to Illinois Bar, 1880 and since been in active practice. Politically active since 1878; postmaster Bloomington. 1889-93; member Bloomington City Council, 1893-99; appointed Railroad and Warehouse commissioner by Gov. Yates, 1901; Chairman McLean County Delegation to State Convention 1900 and 1904; member State Central Committee 4 years; elected mayor of Bloomington.

Arthur H. Bell shows up online as well, this time on page 52 in the book titled Transactions of the McLean County Historical Society (1899) (4.5 MB). The book only mentions that he served as the surveyor beginning in 1892. Another book mentions that he worked for the Illinois State Geological Survey Division specializing oil and gas.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Dues are DUE!

Just an FYI that it's that time of year and neighborhood association dues are due. [edit] They can be paid to White's Place Association at 28 Whites Place (the Hogensen's).

Dues are $20 per year and are supposed to cover the following:
  • June Neighborhood Sale classified ad
  • August Block Party (food/refreshments)
  • October Fall Festival (food/refreshments)
  • Boulevard maintenance
We haven't seen enough participation in recent years and some expenses have quietly started falling on the shoulders of a few people. Let's show our thanks by promptly paying this year!

If you missed previous years, it's OK to pay more than $20. Your friends on Clinton and Fell Avenue will thank you next time they have a beer and brat on the neighborhood!

Mark your calendar for April 1st for 2010 dues and beyond. (Dues are due in April.)

Thank You!