Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hearts at Home break-in

Hearts at Home, located at 1509 N. Clinton Blvd just north of Emerson, was broken into earlier this week. The building was vandalized and several things were stolen.

Be on the look-out for strangers in the area!

Monday, July 14, 2008

White's Place Directory Reminder

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick reminder, if you haven't already done so, to complete your household's directory information. We have extended the deadline for the questionnaires to this Sunday July 20th due to very few being completed at this time. Please return them to Sally Emmert (#29) as soon as you can!

If you have lost yours or are in need of another form they are available from Sally Emmert. Otherwise this is a great way to meet neighbors, discover hobbies in common, and is a great way to quickly access a neighbors phone numbers (ie escaped pet, household emergencies, babysitting, other issues of concern). And, best of all, these are completely covered by the dues you have already paid.

Ralph Lehmann's mother passed away

Ralph Lehmann's (1213 N.Clinton) mother passed away on July 11, 2008. Her funeral will be at 2pm on Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at First Christian Church, Bloomington, IL. Please pass along your condolences to Ralph & Linda when you see them.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Lock your car doors!

FYI, I received an email from Ward 6 Alderman Karen Schmidt advising that several residents in west and central Bloomington have been leaving their cars unlocked. Their cars are being "broken into" and money is being taken.

If you park outside overnight, please LOCK your cars. Also, if you're interested in receiving her periodic emails, please let me know.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Police boost patrols on Constitution Trail after man exposes himself

Police said Wednesday they have increased bicycle patrols on Constitution Trail after reports of a man exposing himself to at least five women over a three-week period in June.

The most recent incident was June 29, when two women reported separately to police that a white male wearing a hat but no pants exposed himself to them while standing just off the trail near Grandview Drive.

Read the full Pantagraph article