Saturday, May 24, 2008

Dave Van Allen for County Board!

Dave Van Allen has announced he is running for McLean County Board. Based upon feedback from his friends and neighbors in District 8, the issues he's most concerned with are:
  • Holding the Line on Taxes
  • West Bloomington Revitalization
  • Establishing a Regional Water Supply
Check out his website for more information at

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Perennial Plant Exchange?

I was talking to a friend who lives in the Founders' Grove neighborhood who shared that their neighborhood association had a plant exchange this weekend. What a great idea! Do you have exta hostas? Do you need ground cover?

Is anyone interested in participating in something like this?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Private vs. Public?

Cathy, Karen and I were talking today . . .would it be a good idea to make this blog private, so only invited and registered users can see this blog? That might make it easier to communicate (sharing last names, photos/stories of children, etc.)

Feel free to add a reply/comment to this post to share your thoughts. Thanks!

p.s. Don't forget about the Neighborhood Street Sale coming up on June 7th.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hello Everyone! This is Josh and Joy from #19, we wanted to stop by and say "Hi" and ask you all a question. Does anyone know of any old pictures that include our house? We'd really like to see what the porch originally looked like and what the siding looked like before the aluminum was put up. We're planning on "un-enclosing" the porch back to a traditional open one and stripping off the aluminum siding to go back to wood and we'd like to be true to the original if possible. Thanks!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Need a lift?

Does anyone in the neighborhood need to rent a lift to trim your trees or clean out your gutters?

I've heard a few neighbors -- Bob in #7 was one -- mention that they were thinking about it. If you're interested in going in on a lift rental, add a comment to this post.

Reel mowers

Sally and Karen, if you're wondering where you can get your husbands one of those cool reel lawn mowers, look no further than here. John and Scott will feel so "green" pushing one of these around the yard! Not to mention how fresh the air or how quiet the neighborhood will be when they ditch their loud gas mower!